Networking Beyond LinkedIn: Building Connections at Los Angeles City University

In today’s digital age, networking often brings to mind platforms like LinkedIn, where students and professionals alike seek connections, endorsements, and opportunities. However, building meaningful, lasting relationships involves much more than simply collecting contacts online. At Los Angeles City University (LACU), students have the unique opportunity to take networking beyond the screen, fostering deep, face-to-face connections that can be pivotal to both academic success and future careers.

LACU provides a variety of in-person networking opportunities that encourage students to engage with their peers, professors, and industry professionals in meaningful ways. By taking advantage of these resources, students can develop relationships that last well beyond graduation, helping them transition smoothly from college to the professional world.

  1. Clubs and Organizations: A Networking Powerhouse

One of the most effective ways to build a solid network at LACU is by joining one of the many student clubs and organizations on campus. Whether you're passionate about entrepreneurship, sustainability, or creative arts, there’s a club tailored to your interests. These groups provide students with a sense of community and a platform for building strong relationships with like-minded peers and even faculty members.

Club leadership positions offer an even greater opportunity to hone skills like teamwork, communication, and event organization while connecting with professionals who sponsor or mentor the group. Additionally, club-organized events, such as guest speaker sessions, panel discussions, and industry meet-ups, allow students to interact with local and national professionals, often leading to internships or job offers. Joining a club doesn’t just help you meet new people; it can be the key to opening doors for future opportunities.

  1. Campus Events and Career Fairs: Connecting with Industry Leaders

LACU regularly hosts events where students can connect with professionals from various industries, providing opportunities to engage directly with potential employers. Career fairs, industry-specific expos, and networking nights are all events where students can meet representatives from companies, ask questions, and share their resumes. These face-to-face interactions are invaluable in making a lasting impression.

By attending these events, students have the chance to develop meaningful conversations with recruiters, rather than simply submitting a resume online and hoping for the best. It also allows for the building of a relationship, where both parties can put a face to a name. Many students land internships and even job offers directly through connections they’ve made at LACU’s networking events.

Additionally, attending career workshops on topics like resume writing, interview preparation, and professional etiquette can boost confidence and ensure students are ready to engage effectively with professionals at these events.

  1. Connecting with Professors and Mentors: A Source of Guidance and Opportunity

One often overlooked networking opportunity is the relationship students can build with their professors. Faculty members at LACU are not only educators but also professionals in their respective fields, many of whom have years of industry experience and a wide network of contacts. Building a strong relationship with professors can open doors to research opportunities, internships, and even job recommendations.

By taking the initiative to engage with professors during office hours or after class, students can show genuine interest in the subject matter and their future career path. Faculty members often serve as mentors, guiding students in their academic journey and helping them navigate their career choices. In addition, professors can provide valuable references for job applications or introduce students to their own professional contacts.

Mentorship programs at LACU further enhance these connections by pairing students with experienced professionals in their field of study. These relationships are particularly valuable because mentors offer personalized advice, provide guidance on career development, and often help their mentees navigate the transition from university to the workplace.

  1. Alumni Networks: The LACU Connection

One of the most powerful resources available to LACU students is the university’s alumni network. Graduates of LACU are spread across various industries, and many remain active participants in the university community, eager to help current students succeed. The alumni network is a goldmine of connections, providing access to professionals who understand the LACU experience and are often willing to mentor or assist students.

The university frequently organizes alumni networking events, where current students can meet and interact with graduates. Alumni can provide valuable insights into the challenges of transitioning from university to the workforce and offer advice based on their own experiences. These relationships often extend beyond formal events, as alumni become ongoing sources of support and guidance.

Additionally, the LACU alumni network often facilitates internship and job opportunities, offering students direct access to positions that may not be advertised publicly. By tapping into this resource, students can gain a competitive edge in the job market and build connections that last throughout their professional careers.

  1. Volunteering and Community Engagement: Building Relationships with a Purpose

At LACU, networking goes beyond just professional aspirations. The university emphasizes community engagement, encouraging students to participate in volunteer work and service-learning projects. Volunteering provides students with the opportunity to meet people from diverse backgrounds and industries, build teamwork skills, and contribute to causes they’re passionate about.

By working alongside professionals and community leaders, students can build valuable relationships while making a positive impact. Many LACU graduates have reported that their volunteer work helped them establish connections that later led to job opportunities or mentorship.

Additionally, community engagement fosters a sense of social responsibility and helps students develop soft skills that are highly valued in the workplace, such as communication, empathy, and collaboration. These experiences often leave a lasting impression on potential employers, who appreciate candidates with a well-rounded background.

  1. The Importance of Authenticity in Networking

Whether it’s joining a club, attending a career fair, or connecting with alumni, the key to effective networking at LACU lies in authenticity. Building genuine relationships, rather than merely collecting contacts for personal gain, is what truly sets successful networking apart. Engaging with others in a meaningful way—whether through shared interests, mutual goals, or collaborative projects—will lead to stronger, more lasting connections.

Students at LACU have numerous opportunities to develop their networking skills, build meaningful relationships, and open doors to future careers. By taking full advantage of the resources and events available on campus, students can go beyond the digital world of LinkedIn and make personal, lasting connections that will benefit them long after graduation.


While LinkedIn is an excellent tool for establishing a digital presence, networking at Los Angeles City University is about much more than online profiles. From student clubs to alumni events, LACU provides numerous opportunities for students to connect with their peers, professors, and professionals in meaningful ways. These face-to-face interactions help students build lasting relationships, open doors to career opportunities, and enrich their overall university experience.

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